Member of the Class of 2024 is an Award-Winning and Soon-To-Be Published Cancer Researcher
Doctors and scientists endeavor each day, conducting research and experiments to use our genetic information to diagnose, treat, prevent, and cure illnesses. Our genes are instructions that tell your body how to make all the proteins it needs to survive and grow. By identifying each of these proteins, scientists hope to better understand how your body works, and what is happening when it doesn't work properly, leading to more effective medicines and treatments.
It is biotechnology that is credited for creating some of the wonders of the world.
Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience and academic rigor to the classroom.
Member of the Class of 2024 is an Award-Winning and Soon-To-Be Published Cancer Researcher
The SURF Program has given me a great opportunity to explore a new branch of research.
This internship has been one of my best and most valuable experiences!
The information below is designed to show the many possible careers you could pursue with your major. The research is provided by Encoura, the leading research and advisory firm focused exclusively on higher education. It includes median national salaries and industry growth projections over the next decade. Click here to view the full report.
Medical Technologist
15% Growth 2017-2027
Bio Engineer
23% Growth 2017-2027
Clinical Study Manager
8% Growth 2017-2027
Study the nature of antigens and antibodies, formation and action of the latter, other immunologically active components of blood and tissues, and various immune reactions.
Survey of the principal components of evolutionary biology. The course addresses the historical path of life on earth and the mechanisms that drive evolutionary change and speciation. Topics include microevolution, macroevolution, developmental evolution, coevolution, and biogeography and diversity. Through lectures and discussions, the primary goal will be to gain applicable knowledge for understanding life on earth in an evolutionary framework.
Students will become familiar with uses of computers in cellular and molecular biology and will be introduced to databases that are presently available for nucleic acid and protein sequences as well as literature citations. Students will work with modeling software which looks for potential secondary structures within both protein and DNA sequences.
Study common reactions in aliphatic and aromatic chemistry with emphasis on functional groups and reaction mechanisms.
ËÄÉ«AV of New Haven offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our students. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Genetics and Biotechnology, check out the Academic Catalog:
Get an inside look at what differentiates the University of New Haven and how your experiences as a student will prepare you for success.
All University of New Haven students have access to the many resources available through the University’s Career Development Center, which has been named one of the best in the nation by The Princeton Review.
From career assessments, networking, and job shadowing to on-campus interviews and salary negotiation, the Career Development Center provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.
Learn MoreThere are a variety of opportunities for you to learn more about our programs, what it is like to be a student here, and the scholarships, assistantships and financial aid that we offer. Whether you want to meet us on campus or online, we have something for you.
Whether you're still in high school or are transferring from another college, we offer full- and part-time opportunities for undergraduates from inside the U.S. and abroad. The admission process can begin as early as the end of your high school junior year.
The Application Process
We offer a comprehensive financial aid program, with students receiving assistance in the form of grants, scholarships, student loans, and part-time employment. Funds are available from federal and state governments, private sponsors, and from university resources. More than 85 percent of the University's full-time undergraduate students receive some form of financial assistance.
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