Charge In 2024: First-Year & Transfer Students
August 21 to 25, 2024
Charge In is Your Plan for Arriving on Campus. Whether you're a residential student, or a commuter/off-campus student, you'll take part in Charge In. Please read the details on this page to prepare to start your journey in Charger Nation!
Residential Students
Residential Student Move-In - Wednesday, August 21
Move-in for first-year and transfer residential students is Wednesday, August 21, and will occur in two shifts:
- 8 to 10:30 a.m.
- 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Please move in during your assigned move in time. You received this information from the Office of Residential Life and can find this in on the Move In Information page. You will find late arrival information on myHousing, as well.
Charge In Maps - Wednesday, August 21
We’ve prepared interactive maps that are specific to each residence hall and made several changes in order for us to provide you with the best Charge In experience possible. Please be sure to follow the instructions on your map, including which campus entrance you should arrive to and where you should check-in and park. There could be significant traffic and you may be delayed if you arrive via the incorrect entrance for your residence hall.
Commuter Students
Commuter Student Check-In - Thursday, August 22
Commuter students will be required to come to campus on the morning of Thursday, August 22, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. to check in for Charge In.
More details will be announced on this page soon.
Charge In Map - Thurs., Aug. 22
ALL First-Year and Transfer Students
Charge In Continues, Friday through Sunday
Charge In and orientation activities will continue for all first-year and transfers students on Friday, August 23, Saturday, August 24, and Sunday, August 25. A full schedule is posted on this page.
Where To Eat During Charge In
Follow the link below for schedules, menus and locations for on-campus dining options during Charge In.
Charge In Schedule
Starred events (★) are mandatory. Non-starred events are highly encouraged for all new students!
More events and information will be posted here soon. Details are subject to change.
Time | Event | Location |
Please move in during your assigned move in time. See info on this page, above. | First-Year and Transfer Residential Move In | See Charge In Maps on this page, above |
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. |
Residence Hall Meetings ★: Westside Hall (Location: Library Tent) Bergami Hall (Location: David A. Beckerman Recreation Center) |
Various Locations (see event descriptions) |
7:45 – 8:45 p.m. |
Residence Hall Meetings ★: Bixler Hall (Location: Library Tent) Gerber Hall (Location: David A. Beckerman Recreation Center) Bethel Hall (Location: Bucknall Theater, Dodds Hall) |
Various Locations (see event descriptions) |
7 - 10 p.m. |
Evening Activities Details coming soon |
Time | Event | Location |
7:30 – 9:30 a.m. | Commuter Student Check-In ★ | Bartels Student Activity Center, Patio |
9 – 9:45 a.m. | Campus Welcome ★ | David A. Beckerman Recreation Center |
10 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Bookstore Open | Seton Gallery, Dodds Hall |
10 - 11 a.m. / 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. |
Charger Flip: Your OTL Will Lead You Through The Sessions Campus Safety and Transportation ★ ËÄÉ«AV of New Haven’s Police Department will meet with students and assist them with their personal safety plans. They will also discuss the university’s unique safety features that are provided for students, faculty, and staff. (Location: Library Tent) Community Standards ★ We will review the Student Handbook, student conduct, and expectations for members of the University of New Haven Community. (Location: David A. Beckerman Recreation Center) |
Various Locations (see event descriptions) |
12:30 - 1:30 p.m./ 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. |
Charger Flip: Your OTL Will Lead You Through The Sessions Orientation & Transition Leader (OTL) Group Time ★ (Location: Maxcy Quad) Lunch (All dining Locations) |
Various Locations (see event descriptions) |
2:30 – 3 p.m. | Class of 2028 Photo ★ Gather around the field to take your class photo that will be featured in your yearbook upon graduation. |
Kathy Zolad Field |
3 – 3:30 p.m. |
First-Year March ★ March across campus with faculty and staff in a celebration of your arrival. |
Campus-wide |
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. | Convocation ★ Start your academic journey as a new Charger with words of wisdom from our keynote speakers. Meet faculty and staff as you learn about the Charger Compact, what it means to be a Charger, listen to the Marching Band, and learn the fight song. |
David A. Beckerman Recreation Center |
4:45 – 5:45 p.m. |
Commuter Experience Meeting ★ New commuters will meet with the commuter staff and upperclass peers to discuss commuter resources and upcoming commuter events. |
David A. Beckerman Recreation Center |
4:45 – 7 p.m. | Dinner | Campus Dining Locations |
7 - 9 p.m. |
Charlie's Charge In Carnival Join us for classic carnival games, music and airbrush tattoos! |
Bixler/Gerber Quad |
Time | Event | Location |
9 – 9:45 a.m. | Morning Welcome ★ | David A. Beckerman Recreation Center |
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Bookstore Open | Seton Gallery, Dodds Hall |
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. |
College Orientations ★ Students will have time with faculty, staff, and other new students from your academic college. Get to know one another and participate in orientation activities with your major. College of Arts and Sciences(Location: David A. Beckerman Recreation Center) Pompea College of Business(Location: Alumni Lounge, Bartels Hall) Tagliatela College of Engineering(Location: Bucknall Theater, Dodds Hall) |
Various Locations (see event descriptions) |
10 – 11 a.m./11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. |
Charger Flip: Your OTL Will Lead You Through The Sessions Get A Life ★ Students will learn how to get involved both inside and outside of the classroom and how to make the most of their University experience. Computers, WiFi, and More ★ The Office of Information Technology will discuss network connectivity, available technical support services, benefits of campus ID cards, and other technology-related services. Students will also be given a brief overview of the Canvas platform that they will be using for their academics. |
Library Tent |
12:15 p.m. | Lunch | All Dining Locations |
1:15 p.m. | Meet Your OTL ★ Meet at the Rec Center to check back in from lunch to be dismissed for the afternoon sessions. |
David A. Beckerman Recreation Center |
1:30 – 3:30 p.m. | College Orientations ★ Students will have time with faculty, staff, and other new students from your academic college. Get to know one another and participate in orientation activities with your major. Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences (Location: David A. Beckerman Recreation Center) School of Health Sciences (Location: Bucknall Theater, Dodds Hall) |
Various Locations (see event descriptions) |
1:30 – 2:30 p.m./2:45 – 3:45 p.m. |
Charger Flip: Your OTL Will Lead You Through The Sessions Get A Life ★ Students will learn how to get involved both inside and outside of the classroom and how to make the most of their University experience. Computers, WiFi, and More ★ The Office of Information Technology will discuss network connectivity, available technical support services, benefits of campus ID cards, and other technology-related services. Students will also be given a brief overview of the Canvas platform that they will be using for their academics. |
Library Tent |
4:45 – 7 p.m. | Dinner | All Dining Locations |
7 p.m. |
Class of 2028 Talent Show and Open Mic Night Come see your fellow classmates display their many talents and skills and win prizes. |
David A. Beckerman Recreation Center |
Time | Event | Location |
9:15 a.m. |
OTL Meet Up ★ |
David A. Beckerman Recreation Center |
9:45 - 10:45 a.m. / 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. |
Charger Flip: Your OTL Will Lead You Through The Sessions Tips and Tricks ★ Hear from a panel of current University student leaders and discover how you can succeed and become more involved at the University of New Haven. (Location: Library Tent) Meet the Title IX Office ★ Meet the Title IX Team while learning about Title IX, the resources available to students, and the process of a case. (Location: David A. Beckerman Recreation Center) |
Various Locations (see event descriptions) |
10 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Bookstore Open | Seton Gallery, Dodds Hall |
12 - 2 p.m. | Lunch | All Dining Locations |
1 - 11:30 p.m. | Post Road Shuttle Runs Pick up at Maxcy Lot and stops at Target, Starbucks, Whole Foods, Walmart, and Milford Post Mall. |
Maxcy Hall lot |
2 - 4 p.m. | USGA Kickball Tournament Compete against your classmates in our traditional first-year kickball tournament. |
Kathy Zolad Field |
7:30 p.m. | Outdoor Movie Night: Teen Beach Movie Celebrate summer on the Bixler/Gerber “beach”! We will have classic sea-side games, DIY sunglasses and watch Teen Beach Movie! The movie will begin at 8 p.m. |
Bixler/Gerber Quad |
Time | Event | Location |
10 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Bookstore Open | Seton Gallery, Dodds Hall |
12 – 3 p.m. |
Law Games & Music Come to the quad to mingle and relax with some low-key activities, lawn games, board games, music, and more. |
Bixler/Gerber Quad |
1 - 11 p.m. | Post Road Shuttle Runs Pick up at Maxcy Lot and stops at Target, Starbucks, Whole Foods, Walmart, and Milford Post Mall. |
Maxcy Hall lot |
6 - 8 p.m. | Welcome Week Opener! Chill out with us before the First Day of Classes! Come join us for bracelet making, succulent pot decorating, sand art, and ice cream as a sweet treat! |
Bixler/Gerber Quad |