Types of Accommodations

Academic adjustments/reasonable accommodations are available for students with documented disabilities, tailored to their specific needs and the course's instructional methods, with the goal of providing equal opportunities without compromising the essential skills or technical standards of the course. Reasonable accommodations provide equal opportunities for eligible students without altering the essential skills or technical standards of the course or program.

Accommodations can be categorized as follows:

  • Modifications made to a classroom setting or task to enable a student with a disability to engage in the educational process without changing the demands.
  • Modifications to policies, practices, or procedures that preserve the core characteristics of the course, environment, or university.
  • Provision of auxiliary aids and services.
  • Removal of physical architectural and classroom barriers.
  • Accommodations do not diminish academic standards or compromise the integrity of an academic program as academic, conduct, and technical standards and licensing requirements will always be upheld.

The following provides details on potential academic, residential, and campus access accommodations. Please note that this list is not comprehensive.

Academic Accommodations
  • Academic Participation Assistant
  • Alternative Media
  • Alternative Testing
  • Assistive Technology
  • Notetaking Assistance
  • Reduced Couse Load
Access on Campus
  • Accessible Buildings & Classrooms (may involve moving a class or event to a location accessible for the individual)
  • Accessible Van Service (transportation support to maneuver campus)
Residential Accommodations
  • Dining Accommodations (Access to Simple Serve, Dining Options Accommodations)
  • Housing (AC, Specific Room configurations, Accessible Bathrooms)

Note: Every student鈥檚 accommodation plan is unique to the student's specific limitations related to their disability, access barrier included in their documentation, and may include past experiences of utilizing accommodations. We encourage students to connect with the Accessibility Resources Center to start this dialogue as early as possible.