Undergraduate Admissions Director Discusses Admissions Programs Upcoming and Deadlines
Caitlin Locke, director of undergraduate recruitment for the University, answers frequently asked questions about applying Early Decision, Early Action, and Regular Decision and explains the advantages of each program.
December 3, 2021
By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications
Maxcy Hall at the University of New Haven.
ËÄÉ«AV of New Haven is actively recruiting its undergraduate Class of 2026, which will join the University community in August 2022. Get an inside look at some of the ways to apply and the deadlines for each.
Renee Chmiel: What are the requirements of the Early Decision admission program?
Caitlin Locke: New first-time students who consider the University of New Haven to be their top choice may choose to apply via our binding Early Decision program. By applying Early Decision, applicants are expressing that they plan to attend the University, if admitted. In addition to the standard application materials with the Common Application, high school transcript, and letter of recommendation, Early Decision applicants are required to submit an Early Decision contract and complete an interview with an admissions counselor, too.
RC: What are the advantages of Early Decision?
CL: A primary advantage of applying Early Decision is the timeline. We offer swift admissions decisions, and then, if accepted, the student has an expedited deadline for submitting their enrollment deposit. The whole application and decision-making process is simplified once a student opts to apply Early Decision. Students applying through Early Decision also enjoy priority scholarship consideration and an expedited financial aid process. Since space is limited in several of our academic programs, students applying through at least the first round of Early Decision can feel confident that space will be available in their first choice major if they meet the admission criteria.
RC: What is the difference between Early Decision I and Early Decision II?
CL: The main difference between the two rounds of Early Decision is the timing in place for the application and deposit deadlines. For Early Decision I, the application deadline was December 1, and if admitted, the deadline to submit an enrollment deposit is February 1. Those applying via Early Decision II must apply by February 15, and those admitted must submit their enrollment deposit by April 1. Early Decision II may be a great choice for a student who decides a little later into their senior year that the University of New Haven is their top-choice school.
RC: How does the Early Action program work? How is it different from Early Decision?
Caitlin Locke.
CL: Early Action is our most popular form of admission because it is non-binding yet offers many of the same benefits as Early Decision, including priority consideration for scholarships. Early Action is a strong choice for students who know they're interested in the University, yet it still provides flexibility in that there isn't a requirement to enroll.
Additionally, the overall timeline for Early Action provides students the opportunity to apply up until December 15 and hear back with an admissions decision by January 15. Those admitted then have until May 1 to decide to enroll. For students who are considering a few different colleges or universities – which is most applicants – this timeline works out well as it provides several months for the decision-making process. This means plenty of time to receive and review financial aid awards, talk with University staff and faculty, visit campus, and much more.
RC: What are the advantages of Early Action?
CL: Students applying via Early Action can receive a non-binding decision early on in their senior year, yet still have several months to make their decision to enroll. Students accepted via Early Action at the University of New Haven enjoy priority consideration for our scholarships, a quick turnaround time to receive their admissions decision, and can feel secure that there will be space available in their first choice major.
RC: What are the advantages of Early Decision and Early Action vs. Regular Decision?
CL: While we understand that applicants sometimes decide to apply for admission a little later in the process for a range of reasons, we do suggest applying in the fall of senior year, whenever possible. Those who apply via Early Decision or Early Action will maximize their opportunities for University scholarships – especially where our additional scholarships are awarded.
Many of our additional scholarships – such as the Honors Program scholarship, Marching Band scholarship, and others – have firm deadlines for consideration. Students who aren't admitted to the University prior to those deadlines will be unable to receive some of those additional scholarships they may have otherwise been qualified to receive. Additionally, space may not be available in all our academic programs the longer students wait to apply. We see a lot of value in giving students as much time as possible to make their decision to enroll, so the longer a student waits to apply, the less time they are giving themselves to make their final decision to enroll.
RC: Do early applicants need to complete any additional steps or need any additional materials?
CL: Students applying via binding Early Decision must submit an Early Decision contract and complete an interview with an admissions counselor. There isn't a contract required for Early Action nor Regular Decision. Interviews are welcome but not required for Early Action and Regular Decision applicants.
RC: How long does it take for a student who has applied to receive a decision?
CL: Once all application materials are received, we generally have an admissions decision out to the student within 4-6 weeks. That said, we can often provide decisions sooner!
RC: What support does the University offer to students to help them with the admission/enrollment process?
CL: Every applicant is assigned an admissions counselor in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions based on where the applicant lives. Each counselor covers a particular geographic territory, and they are the main point of contact for families from that area. That counselor is available to guide that student and their family through the application and enrollment process. Visit to find your admissions counselor!
RC: How does this process differ for transfer students? Can they apply Early Decision/Early Action?
CL:Transfer applicants do not need to select Early Decision, Early Action, or Regular Decision. Rather, all transfer student applications are reviewed on a rolling basis as soon as all required materials are received. Applicants for transfer enrollment will be assigned a transfer enrollment counselor who they can connect with about any questions that may arise throughout the process. The transfer enrollment counselor will also provide admitted students with a transfer credit evaluation outlining how their credits from previous institutions will fit in to their intended program of study at the University.
RC: Is there anything else about the application process that you’d like to mention?
CL: We offer rolling admission for all types of applications, so the sooner students apply, the sooner they will hear back from us with a decision! We will be offering appointments for virtual Instant Decisions to new first-time student applicants leading right up to the deadline for Early Action on December 14 and 15.
Students who opt to register for an Instant Decision appointment will receive their admissions decision on the spot, will learn their scholarship amount, if admitted, and will meet with an admissions counselor one-on-one to discuss any specific questions they may have about the University. It's a unique and memorable experience!