Rangachari P. The Untapped Potential of the Quadruple Aim of Primary Care to Foster a Culture of Health. Int J Gen Med. 2023 Jun 3; 16:2237-2243. PubMed Link:
Rangachari P, Parvez I, LaFontaine AA, Mejias C, Thawer F, Chen J, Pathak N, Mehta R. Effect of Disease Severity, Age of Child, and Clinic No-Shows on Unscheduled Healthcare Use for Childhood Asthma at an Academic Medical Center. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Jan 13;20(2):1508. PubMed Link:
Rangachari P, Mushiana SS, Herbert K. (2022). A scoping review of applications of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) to telehealth service implementation initiatives. BMC Health Services Research.22(1):1450. doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-08871-w. PMID: 36447279.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2022). A holistic framework of strategies and best practices for telehealth service design and implementation. In Service Design Practices for Healthcare Innovation: Paradigms, Principles, Prospects. Edited by Rasch, C., Brehmer, N., Pfannstiel, MA. Springer Publishing Group, New York, NY.
Book link:
Chapter link:
Rangachari, P. (2022). EDITORIAL: Meaningful use of electronic health record (EHR) medication reconciliation technology requires a shared understanding of its value among healthcare providers; Pharmacogenomics Research and Personalized Medicine; 1(1)
Rangachari, P., Govindarajan, A., Seehusen, D. Mehta, R., Rethemeyer, R.K. (2022). The relationship between Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) and death from cardiovascular disease or opioid use in counties across the united states (2009-2018); BMC Public Health, 22, 236; IF: 3.17.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Mushiana, S., Herbert, K. (2021). A narrative review of factors historically influencing telehealth use across six medical specialties in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (9): 4995. IF: 3.39.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Chen, J., Ahuja, N.*, Patel, A.*, Mehta, R. (2021). Demographic and risk factor differences between children with “one-time” and “repeat” visits to the emergency department for asthma. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (2): 486. IF: 3.39.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2020). Understanding evidence-based practice (EBP) implementation in HCOs using the lens of organizational theory, Journal of Healthcare Leadership; 12: 35-48; PMID: 32607042; ESCI
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Woods, J.L. (2020). Preserving organizational resilience, patient safety, and staff retention during COVID-19 requires a holistic consideration of the psychological safety of healthcare workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 4267; IF: 3.39.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Griffin, D.D., Ghosh, S., May, K.R. (2020). Demographic and risk-factor differences between users and non-users of unscheduled healthcare among pediatric outpatients with persistent asthma; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 17(8):2704; IF: 3.39.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Dellsperger, K.C, Rethemeyer, R. (2020). A health system’s pilot experience with using mobile SKN technology to enable meaningful use of EHR MedRec. 2019 American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium Proceedings; eCollection 2019: 745-754; PMID:32308870.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., May, K.R., Stepleman, L.M., Tingen, M.S., Looney, S. Liang, Y., Rockich-Winston, N., Rethemeyer, R.K. (2019). Measurement of key constructs in a holistic framework for assessing self- management effectiveness of pediatric asthma. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 16, 3060; PMID: 31443605; IF: 3.39.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Dellsperger, K.C, Rethemeyer, R. (2019). A health system’s experiences with using social knowledge networking (SKN) technology to enable meaningful use of EHR medication reconciliation technology. Journal of Hospital Management and Healthcare Policy; 3: 22. PMID: 31656950.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Dellsperger, K.C, Rethemeyer, R. (2019). Network analysis of the structure of inter-professional knowledge exchange related to electronic health record (EHR) medication reconciliation within a social knowledge networking (SKN) system; Journal of Healthcare Leadership; 11: 87-100; PMID: 31308781; SJR; ESCI.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Dellsperger, K.C, Rethemeyer, R. (2019). A qualitative study of inter-professional learning related to electronic health record (EHR) medication reconciliation within a social knowledge networking (SKN) system; Journal of Healthcare Leadership; 11: 23-41; PMID: 31114416; SJR: 0.35; ESCI.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Dellsperger, K.C, Fallaw, D., Davis, I., Sumner, M., Ray, W., Fiedler, S*. Nguyen, T*. Rethemeyer, R. (2019). A mixed-method study of practitioners’ perspectives on issues related to EHR Medication Reconciliation at a health system; Quality Management in Health Care, 28(2): 84-95 PMID: 30801417; IF: 0.89.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2018). Implementing a Social Knowledge Networking (SKN) System to Enable Meaningful Use of an EHR Medication Reconciliation System: A Study Protocol. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy; PMID: 29618941; 11: 45-53; IF: 2.23.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Dellsperger, K.C, Fallaw, D., Davis, I., Sumner, M., Ray, W., Fiedler, S*. Nguyen, T*. Rethemeyer, R. (2018). Creating a Foundation for Implementing an EHR-Integrated Social Knowledge Networking (SKN) System on Medication Reconciliation; Journal of Hospital Administration; 7(2): 36-49. doi:10.5430/jha.v7n2p36. PMID: 29682132.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2018). Innovation Implementation in the Context of Hospital QI: Lessons Learned and Strategies for Success. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health; 5: 1-14. PMID: 29546884.
PubMed Link:
Coughlin, S.S, Carbine, L.D., Heboyan, V., Hatzigeorgiou, C., Rangachari, P., De Leo, G (2017). Use of My HealtheVet patient web portal among veterans seen for diabetes mellitus at a medical center in the southeastern United States; mHealth; 3: 50.PMID: 29354642.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2017). A framework for measuring self-management effectiveness and healthcare use among pediatric asthma patients & families. Journal of Asthma and Allergy, 10: 111-122. PMID: 28442924; SJR; IF: 3.43.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2016). Role of Social Knowledge Networking Technology in facilitating meaningful use of Electronic Health Record medication reconciliation. Journal of Hospital Administration, 5(3): 98-106. https://doi.org/10.5430/jha.v5n3p98.PMID:29152023.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Madaio, M., Rethemeyer, R.K., Wagner, P., Hall, L.*, Roy, S.*, Rissing, P. (2015). Cumulative impact of periodic top-down quality improvement communications on infection prevention practices & outcomes in two units. Health Care Management Review, 40(4):324-36. PMID: 25120195; IF: 2.44.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Mehta, R., Rethemeyer, R.K., Ferrang, C., Dennis, C., Redd, V. (2015). Short or long end of the lever? Associations between provider communication of the “Asthma-Action Plan” and outpatient revisits for pediatric asthma. Journal of Hospital Administration, 4(5): 26-39. . PMID: 29201264.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. Madaio, M., Rethemeyer, R.K., Wagner, P., Hall, L*., Roy, S*., Rissing, P. (2015). The evolution of knowledge exchanges enabling successful practice change in two intensive care units. Health Care Management Review, 40(1):65-78; PMID: 24153028; IF: 2.44.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2014). Using social knowledge networking technology to enable meaningful use of electronic health record technology in hospitals & health systems: Journal of Hospital Administration, 3(6): 66-78. . PMID: 29201263.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. Madaio, M., Rethemeyer, R.K., Wagner, P., Hall, L*., Roy, S*., Rissing, P. (2014). Role of communication content and frequency in enabling evidence-based practices. Quality Management in Heath Care, 23(1): 43-58. PMID: 24368720; IF: 0.89.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Rissing, P., Rethemeyer, R.K. (2013). Awareness of evidence-based practices alone does not translate to implementation: Insights from implementation research. Quality Management in Health Care, 22(2): 117-125; PMID: 23542366; IF: 0.89.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2013). Effective communication network structures for hospital infection prevention: A study protocol. Quality Management in Health Care, 22(1):16-24; PMID: 23271590; IF: 0.89.
PubMed Link:
Bhat, A., DeWalt, D., Zimmer, C., Fried, B., Rangachari, P., Seol, Y., Callahan, L. (2012). Associations between low literacy and health status measures: Cross-sectional analyses of two physical activity trials. Journal of Health Communication, 17(2): 230-245; PMID: 22059652; IF: 1.89
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Bhat, A., Seol, Y. (2011). Using the customer-service framework to successfully implement patient-and-family-centered care. Quality Management in Health Care, 20(3): 179-197; PMID: 21725217. SJR; IF: 0.89.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Rissing, P., Wagner, P., Mani, C., Rethemeyer, K., Dillard, T., Bystrom, C., Goins, D., Gillespie, W. (2010). A baseline study of communication networks related to evidence-based infection prevention practices in an intensive care unit. Quality Management in Health Care, 19(4): 330-348; PMID: 20924254. SJR; IF: 0.89. PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2010). Overcoming the unintended adverse consequences of implementing health IT through human resource and knowledge management. Advances in Health Care Management, 9: 163-194; NLMID: 101090746 [Medline].
Publication Link:
Rangachari, P. (2010). Knowledge sharing and organizational learning in the context of hospital infection prevention. Quality Management in Health Care, 19(1): 34-45; PMID: 20042932; IF: 0.89.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2009). Knowledge sharing networks in professional complex systems. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(3): 132-145. doi: 10.1108/13673270910962923; IF: 4.74
Publication Link:
Rangachari, P. (2008). Knowledge sharing networks related to hospital quality measurement & reporting. Health Care Management Review, 33(3): 253-263; PMID: 18580305. SJR: 0.99; IF: 2.44.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2008). The strategic management of organizational knowledge exchange related to hospital quality measurement & reporting. Quality Management in Health Care, 17(3): 253-270; PMID: 18641508. SJR: 0.35; IF: 0.89.
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P. (2007). Coding for quality measurement: The relationship between hospital structural characteristics and coding accuracy. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 4(3), 12p. Available online: www.ahima.org/perspectives; PMID: 18066353. SJR: 0.28
PubMed Link:
Rangachari, P., Hutchinson, D. (2006). A systems approach to dramatically improving core measure outcomes in a small rural facility. Journal of Healthcare Quality, 28(5): 37-43; PMID: 7518023. SJR: 0.5
Publication Link:
Select Current Publication Projects
- Collaborative scoping review article on applications of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) to telehealth service implementation initiatives.
- Collaborative research article on identifying individual, health system, and community-level risk factors for unscheduled healthcare use among children with asthma.
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Healthcare Delivery Systems
- Healthcare Performance Improvement
- Human Resources Management
- Health Policy and Politics
- Fundamentals of Healthcare Management
- Public Health Research Methods
High-Impact Practices
- Evidence-based management strategies for the successful implementation of catheter-related bloodstream infection prevention practices in ICUs
- Evidence-based management strategies for the meaningful use of Electronic Health Record (EHR) technology in health systems
- Holistic framework of strategies and best practices for the design and implementation of telehealth services
- Faculty mentorship for the formation of a Health Professions Student Association
- Administrative leadership to enable rapid growth and development of a public health academic program