Nathan Seifert, Ph.D.

Chemistry and Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Department
Tagliatela College of Engineering
Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of Virginia
B.A., Chemistry, Amherst College
About Nathan
Nathan Seifert joined the faculty of the University of New Haven in August 2021. His research interests since graduate school have focused on the development of chirped pulse Fourier transform microwave (CP-FTMW) spectroscopic techniques, and applications of CP-FTMW spectroscopy for both physical chemistry and analytical applications. Though much of his previous research has been on the experimental aspects of molecular spectroscopy, Nathan has a strong interest in applying data science and machine learning techniques for the automated interpretation of molecular spectra in analytical chemistry and structure determination.
Nathanâs research at the University of New Haven going forward will center on development of a low-cost CP-FTMW spectrometer for structure determination and chemical mixture analysis, and the development of software and machine learning techniques for digital signal processing, spectral assignment, structure elucidation, and novel improvements to the software-hardware instrument interface.
Selected Publications
D. P. Zaleski, R. Sivaramakrishnan, H. R. Weller, N. A. Seifert, D. H. Bross, B. Ruscic, K. B. Moore III, S. N. Elliott, A. V. Copan, L. B. Harding, S. J. Klippenstein, R. W. Field, K. Prozument, âSubstitution Reactions in the Pyrolysis of Acetone Revealed through a Modeling, Experiment, Theory Paradigm,â J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 3124-3142.
F. Xie, N. A. Seifert, W. JĂ€ger, Y. Xu, âConformational Panorama and Chirality Controlled StructureâEnergy Relationship in a Chiral Carboxylic Acid Dimer,â Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 15703-15710.
3) N. A. Seifert, A. S. Hazrah, W. JĂ€ger, âThe 1-Naphthol Dimer and Its Surprising Preference for ÏâÏ Stacking over Hydrogen Bonding,â J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 2836-2841.
S. Oswald, N. A. Seifert, F. Bohle, M. Gawrilow, S. Grimme, W. JĂ€ger, Y. Xu, M. A. Suhm, âThe Chiral Trimer and a Metastable Chiral Dimer of Achiral Hexafluoroisopropanol: A MultiâMessenger Study,â Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 131, 5134
N. A. Seifert, J. Thomas, W. JĂ€ger, Y. Xu, âRotational spectra and theoretical study of tetramers and trimers of 2-fluoroethanol: dramatic intermolecular compensation for intramolecular instability,â Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20, 27630-27637.
J. Thomas, N. A. Seifert, W. JĂ€ger, Y. Xu, âA Direct Link from the Gas to the Condensed Phase: A Rotational Spectroscopic Study of 2, 2, 2âTrifluoroethanol Trimers,â Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 129, 6386-6390.
N. A. Seifert, I. A. Finneran, C. PĂ©rez, D. P. Zaleski, J. L. Neill, A. L. Steber, R. D. Suenram, A. Lesarri, S. T. Shipman, B. H. Pate, âAUTOFIT, an automated fitting tool for broadband rotational spectra, and applications to 1-hexanal,â J. Mol. Spectrosc. 2015, 312, 13-21.
C. PĂ©rez, D. P. Zaleski, N. A. Seifert, B. Temelso, G. C. Shields, Z. Kisiel, B. H. Pate, âHydrogen Bond Cooperativity and the ThreeâDimensional Structures of Water Nonamers and Decamers,â Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 126, 14596-14600
C. PĂ©rez, S. Lobsiger, N. A. Seifert, D. P. Zaleski, B. Temelso, G. C. Shields, Z. Kisiel, B. H. Pate, âBroadband Fourier transform rotational spectroscopy for structure determination: The water heptamer,â Chem. Phys. Lett. 2013, 571, 1-15.
C. PĂ©rez, M. T. Muckle, D. P. Zaleski, N. A. Seifert, B. Temelso, G. C. Shields, Z. Kisiel, B. H. Pate, âStructures of cage, prism, and book isomers of water hexamer from broadband rotational spectroscopy,â Science 2012, 336, 897-901.
Full publication list can be found at