Recommending New Books, Journals, and Databases

Faculty are encouraged and welcome to recommend new circulating books, audiovisual materials, Reference items, journals, online databases, and other materials for the library to purchase. There are several ways in which to do this.

New Circulating Books and Audiovisual Materials

There are a variety of way to submit a request for a new circulating book or audiovisual material.

Use the online form in the to submit a recommendation. Select "Request" from the tabs at the top of the page. Enter your 16-digit University of New Haven ID number along with your last name. Once you have logged in you can complete and submit a "New Book Order" form. You will be asked for the standard bibliographic information of title, author, publisher, date of publication, and edition.

New Journals

To submit a request for a new journal title, please work through your Department Chair and Dean. The Library has a long standing policy regarding the journals collection. If a journal title is to be added, a title or titles of equal cost need to be dropped.

New Reference Materials

To submit a request for a new item for the Reference collection, please follow the instructions under the section entitled "New Circulating Books and Audiovisual Materials." However, please note that the Library has a long standing policy regarding additions to the Reference collection. A title or titles needs to be dropped of equal cost in order for a new item to be added.

New Online Databases

Faculty are encouraged to submit recommendations of commercial online databases that the Library should consider acquiring. These submissions should be given directly to the University Librarian or the Head of Reference, who will arrange for a trial subscription of the particular database and obtain pricing information.

Liaison Librarians

Each College is assigned a liaison librarian to provide faculty assistance in the selection of materials for the University Library. Librarians can provide books reviews, searches of appropriate databases, consultations on frequently requested library materials among other useful information and services.

In addition, staff in the Acquisitions Department at 203-932-7193 can obtain additional information, such as pricing, publication availability, publisher information, and out-of-print services.

The liaison librarians are as follows:

If you have any further questions about this program, you are welcome to contact the University Librarian.